Choosing the right agent for your property is a decision that may prove decisive for the value of your real estate. Many are easily fleeced by agents who offer the advantage of a cheap commission. Competence really matters and unfortunately, it’s one thing most people tend to ignore.
There are a lot of qualities that define a competent real estate agent. Negotiation skills, networking, and experience are the more obvious attributes of a quality agent. Now the challenge is how you tell if the real estate agent you contacted has all these qualities. Here are some tips that will guide in finding the perfect real estate agent in Bali.
Contact their clients
One of the easy ways to learn about agents is via their previous clients. Experience, they say, is the best teacher – and in your agents’ previous clients, you can learn a firsthand knowledge of what your agent is all about. From what a client will reveal to you, you can easily decide whether to contact the agent for their support or send their contact info to your recycle bin.
Have a peek at their licensing
Real estate agents are licensed and disciplined by a body within their purview. It’s imperative to work with an agent that is recognized by a legal body. This will save you from falling into the hands of cheap hustlers. Also, checking on your agent licenses can also reveal the disciplinary record of the agent.
Agent experience
One of the essential qualities of a real estate agent is the experience. It will be important to consider learning how long your prospective agent has been in business. Five years is widely considered to be the minimum for an experienced agent. Anything short implies that you are working with a novice who might be learning from you.
Look at the current listings of the agent
Check out your prospective agent’s current listings and see if they really reflect the property you are dealing with. An agent with adequate listings is more advisable. Don’t pick a novice or someone that has been around but with little to show for it to handle your affairs. A consummate professional with a lot of traction is your best bet for a successful transaction.
Pick a winner
Never settle for an agent that is barely good enough. Look out for an agent with adequate credentials. Real estate agents have different areas of specialization. It’s advisable to pick one who is best suited for the property. You are only as good as your people they often say, picking the right agent with the right mentality might be that making or break reason for the success of your venture. Uma di Bali is the best choice for real estate agency in Bali, Contact us now.